Mature Content Policy
page 10
mature content conclusion
our concluding thoughts
No matter how much care and respect we put into the handling of ‘mature content’; viewers will always be divisive on this issue; many can handle ‘mature content’ others cannot. Some approve of it, others do not. Therefore our goal cannot be to merely satisfy the viewers because it is impossible to satisfy everyone. We need to focus simply on being as honest and respectful as we can and then not misrepresent the film.
Sometimes being honest and respectful means to tone down the graphic content, other times it may mean that we need to make it more prevalent. Really this comes down to the writer, producers, and directors to have a proper and discerning judgement. It is likely that any topic, or story, could be done a hundred different ways; tone, content, styles. Each artist, director, writer, actor is different and brings with them a different life experience to the project. Some will have a tendency to be more graphic; some less so. What needs to happen is that they need to make the movie that most resonates with them; the version that is the most honest to them personally. Because if it’s not coming from the heart and soul of the creator; if it does not have any effect on them personally; neither will it affect the heart and soul of the audience.
"Sometimes being honest and respectful means to tone down the graphic content, other times it may mean that we need to make it more prevalent."
These become creative choices that Thousand Year Films will honor in the creators as long as they meet the criteria specified in this document.
After all is said and done; we need to be open about the content that is in the film and not misrepresent it; then we need to trust the viewer to be able to exercise discretion on their own and make a mature decision on whether or not they feel they should personally watch the movie.
"We need to trust the viewer to be able to exercise discretion on their own and make a mature decision on whether or not they feel they should personally watch the movie."